Sex bias was also found in this vocabulary test, but it cancelled out due to about even numbers of items each direction. https://openpsych.net/paper/62/

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This study with test bias for religiousness is funny, because we found one item that was strongly biased in favor of religious people. It turns out it is asking about the Bible! https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353465907_The_Negative_Religiousness-IQ_Nexus_is_a_Jensen_Effect_on_Individual-Level_Data_A_Refutation_of_Dutton_et_al's_'The_Myth_of_the_Stupid_Believer'

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This illustrates the usefulness of test bias research. Knowledge, behavior, psychological state, or all that stuff people said we can't detect. Usually they can be detected. What is particularly interesting with gender bias is that sometimes a test is found having no less biased items across gender in the white population than across races, yet the argument of test bias historically has been that it measures white culture. Recently, my interest on test bias has become higher because I found some studies indicating measurement bias with respect to education gain, and this has confirmed the suspicions I had many years ago about education possibly causing measurement bias due to school knowledge related gain.

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