Maybe a look at measurement invariance for other SIRE group could be a future blog post/paper, given that there's beenn some controveresy to the extent of the asian-white difference in early samples(James flynn found that in the mid 20th century east-asian immigrants performed equivalent to white americans in the US, but academically and socioeconomically performed significantly above, but cremieux thinks the difference is mostly due to language/test bias(believable,and with some evidence in Jensen 1973,https://twitter.com/cremieuxrecueil/status/1661449979116806148) in samples like Project Talent(and the unbiased gap is the same as modern samples), as well as geographical factors impacting their success.

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If there's subtest data and a large sibling/twin sample, could you have tested between-group heritability directly(using a common pathway model, and if it fits including group differences)?

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