While it is well known that free trade promotes prosperity for all, as Krugman explained in his book, a less known theory and yet by far the strongest case for protectionism is the infant industry argument.
Wow what an article comparable to Mises on protectionism in the sheer quality! so many references for my Uni professor hahaha! Would be interested to know your opinion on the EURO and the constant struggles the Eurozone has been having in regards to GDP growth, Wages Growth, Fall in Aggregate Endowment amongst other problems!
Thanks. About the euro, I have an old article (imported from wordpress) in which I copied the best passages from The Tragedy of The Euro. https://menghu.substack.com/p/the-tragedy-of-the-euro-by-philipp-bagus. I'll see if I can update the euro case with enough, interesting information.
Wow what an article comparable to Mises on protectionism in the sheer quality! so many references for my Uni professor hahaha! Would be interested to know your opinion on the EURO and the constant struggles the Eurozone has been having in regards to GDP growth, Wages Growth, Fall in Aggregate Endowment amongst other problems!
Yet again have to say how great the article is!
Thanks. About the euro, I have an old article (imported from wordpress) in which I copied the best passages from The Tragedy of The Euro. https://menghu.substack.com/p/the-tragedy-of-the-euro-by-philipp-bagus. I'll see if I can update the euro case with enough, interesting information.
Thanks for article! Here other evidence on fail of IP in Japan, writed by mainstream economist. Even Paul Krugman argued, that IP fail. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mwakatabe/2017/03/20/nobel-laureate-stiglitz-is-right-on-japans-fiscal-policy-but-wrong-on-its-industrial-policy/?sh=75813037d16b