Sitemap - 2014 - Meng Hu on HBD and Austrian Economics
The Use of Tobit and Truncated Regressions for Limited Dependent Variables
How to calculate and use predicted Y-values in multiple regression
The 1920-1921 Depression and Recovery
Historical evidence of anti-Gresham's Law
Get (not so easily) introduced to R
Get (easily) introduced to SPSS
Get (easily) introduced to Stata
The free banking in Belgium during the 19th century
The study of deaf people since Braden (1994)
Book review of Deafness, Deprivation, and IQ (Braden 1994)
Other empirical studies on the ABCT
Error Correction Model in Time Series Regression
Studies of IQ heritability among Chimpanzees
Racial differences in the long-term trend NAEP scores (1975/78-2012)
How to use NCES public data sets (NAEP, BPS, NPSAS, TIMSS, PIRLS, PISA, etc.)
A growth in inequality along with financial market activities : Probably not a mere coincidence
The fallacies of "Money as Debt"
The Role of the Credit Rating Agencies in the U.S. Subprime Crisis : Too Much Competition ?
Data Preparation. Matrix non Positive Definite in SEM Softwares.
The Fallacy of Significance Tests
Multiple Regression, Multiple Fallacies
The Evolution of Human Cooperation According to the Supernatural (Divine) Punishment Hypothesis
Research on genetic g and differential heritabilities
Multivariate genetic analysis of cognitive abilities in an adolescent twin sample
Genotype-Environment Correlation and IQ
Against bad use of correlations
What does it mean to have a low R-squared ? A warning about misleading interpretation
How to remove the influence of confoundings on a (continuous) variable by way of linear regression
Structural relationship between g, parental SES, and Achievement : Investigation of the g nexus